Sunday, September 28, 2008


It's become abundantly clear that blogging is not my bag.

I'm not sure if it's because I just suck at some things or perhaps an underlying fear that no one really checks this out. 

Then again, that could be the result of a measly 5 posts in the last couple months.

I'm working on it...I promise.

Until then, get your head out of the blogs and get as much information as you can about the coming election.  With just over a month ahead of us, it is our duty to be informed, and more importantly, VOTE...and while it's certainly not my place to sway one's decision regarding the election either left or right, I've been amused (read:  scared as hell) by one VP candidate's grasp of the issues.

While McCain has certainly made some brave decisions as a POW and as a member of the Senate, his decision to put Sarah Palin next in line for the presidential post (and with consideration that he may not survive his first term when you think the average American male lives to the age of 74) was foolish, if not down-right dangerous.

Consider the recent interview Ms. Palin stumbled through with CBS anchor, Katie Couric.  When asked about her foreign policy experience, she boastfully thought Alaska's proximity to both Canada and Russia were sufficient despite acknowledging little or no interaction with either country's leaders.  A greater concern, Palin admitted that she had just applied for and received her first passport in 2007, citing that she wasn't raised in a family culture where travel was a priority...adding that her 'education' of the world has literally been left in the hands of the media...

...and we all know how forthright and real the media can be.

Do your own homework, and again more importantly, make yourself heard.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Josh Wald @ Wilhelmina

Josh Wald, despite a hectic travel schedule, a new album (he produced and co-wrote) and an overwhelming desire to make more music took some time out (of the little time he has) to update his book.  Josh is a bit of a renaissance man -- his life a sum of it's parts.  His latest project, with singer / songwriter Kerry Beach, is just wrapping up and should prove once again that this Cape Cod cadet has got the chops to keep us wanting more of it.

Monday, July 28, 2008

jahnhall for GEORGE McCRACKEN

Artist turned menswear designer George McCracken took his craft back home, making the Winkleman Gallery (located on 27th Street between 11th and 12th Avenues in Manhattan) a temporary exhibit / showroom for his S/S '09 collection.  In doing so, George successfully merges his established career as an artist with his second menswear collection.

The collection borrows from the 90's minimalist platform, but treads lightly, warming up a steel grey exterior with a sophisticated color palette.  Denim is slim and straight and knitwear of merino wool and cashmere makes the well-edited range extremely wearable however, don't be fooled.  S/S '09 remains loyal to a utilitarian approach inspired greatly by vintage military uniforms.

Of note, a black parka made of a 70% wool composite produced by Loro Piana, completely waterproof, is already on my list of must-haves come January, 2009.

George McCracken's inaugural collection arrives early August exclusively at Bergdorf Goodman.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Viewing the world through dream-colored glasses.

With no more than a bit of faith and great wardrobe, Dyllan @ Basic was open to my desire to shoot strobe for the first time -- thankfully, the experiment worked and landed this creamy, dreamy shot.

Dyllan, a dream, with an envious drive and the perfect sample size...

More to come in the next few days.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A little bird told me...

...that a blog would provide an ample opportunity to rant, rave and post photos.

Don't expect much ranting.  I prefer to rave.

Expect more soon.

Welcome to

Thank you for stopping by.